Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Christian Zionists may say that because I “cursed” God’s chosen people by criticizing Judaism and modern Israel God cursed me and my wife, allowing evil spirits to infest our home and lives. Other Christians will doubtless say that if I really am a man of God I would have cast out the demons. Yet truly no husband ever interceded for his wife more fervently. Many martyrs for Christ have died at the hands of men motivated by demons. The Lord allowed Alynn to be martyred directly by one. Her “happy ending” above all happy endings is eternal life. The Bible does not promise deliverance on earth. Christ said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Will other Christians face such attack? Only God knows. I have a rare personal calling to expose Talmudic/Jewish supremacist evil, and I have been resisted in a rare way, culminating in this demonic attack on Alynn. Certainly, no Christian should expect demonic possession, but it is clear in our circumstances that the term “demonic infestation” did apply to Alynn. Unlike a "possessed" person, her spirit always resisted the demons. While demonic possession seems to have been common during Christ’s tenure on earth, it is not recorded in Scripture to result from sin by the afflicted person. Instead, God allowed some to be so afflicted to make possible the testimony of Christ's deliverance. In Alynn's case, that deliverance came through death.

Learning from Alynn's Experience

Spiritual warfare will only increase as we go deeper into the age of the Anti-Christ. As the world grows darker and the church increasingly cooperates with ascent of Babylon the Great, similar bizarre assaults may have to be faced and understood. Revelation predicts that demons will someday empower Anti-Christ and his false prophet to work actual miracles. They will cause “fire to come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” (Rev. 13:13) and make the computerized image of the Beast speak. They will kill those who refuse his mark, and the world will become convinced that Anti-Christ is God.

Spiritual powers are in fact more real than material reality. Demonic power vastly supersedes our “laws” of physics. Any agnostic or unbeliever who reads this true account of such powers should realize he has been living in a humanist fantasy.