The reason why America is dying is simple. We have been cut off from our roots, including our Christian moorings, our Bill of Rights, and our patriotic heritage. All plants cut off at the roots eventually die, from lack of nutrition. The life force ebbs from their branches and leaves, and their limbs and vines atrophy and dissipate. So, too, do the limbs and constituent parts of nations die when separated from the nurturing substances that give them life.
America’s terminal illness is not an accident of fate. It is a planned event. This is the working out of "Rothschild’s Plan for America," a plan which I detail at length in my CD/audiotape offering of the same title (Order your copy today by clicking Tape or CD).
The greedy Rothschild is a thief, a global thief, and as Jesus told us, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."
America Battered by "Creative Destruction"
The Illuminati elite are deeply complicit in Rothschild’s thieving and murderous plan. They are willing tools of our destruction. Alan Greenspan, the crafty Jewish financier who served Rothschild and the elite cryptocracy as head of the Federal Reserve banking cartel during the administrations of both Presidents Bush (the younger George W. and the elder George H. W.) as well as President Clinton, significantly helped in the fulfillment of this heinous plot. Interestingly, Greg Kaza, in Chronicles journal (Jan. 2010), notes that Greenspan referred to America’s diminishing status twelve times during his reign as Fed Chairman, each time using the carefully crafted catch-phrase "creative destruction" first invented by Harvard’s economist, Joseph Schumpeter, in his 1942 book, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.
Joseph Schumpeter’s book, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, proposes that America be transformed through a process of "creative destruction."
Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve.