Friday, November 26, 2010

Mexico’s Meltdown Coming Here—Unless Washington Acts

Thousands of America’s expensively-trained troops are fighting overseas. But what about the war right next door?

Official Washington puts on a happy face about Mexico, because Mexicans become miffed if Uncle Sucker speaks ill of them. But recently Secretary of State Hillary Clinton let slip that Mexico’s drug crime is "looking more and more like Colombia looked 20 years ago"—an indication that the Administration is not as sanguine about the Mexico meltdown as it pretends.

Curious: the Pentagon is concerned with Mexican public opinion—but not about Americans’ reaction to increased involvement with our narco-state neighbor.

The new class of Congressional budget cutters should ask why any taxpayer’s money is being spent on Mexico’s internal affairs. The fact that the Pentagon has "counternarcotics funding" for Mexico in the tens of millions of dollars is outrageous—but the State Department funnels a lot more money south, and amounts are not public knowledge.

It’s time for Washington to stop being the globalist World Police and get back to its fundamental duty: defending the sovereignty and security of these United States.