Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Neocon chickenhawks condemn WikiLeaks

The big-government, pro-war crowd is wailing and gnashing its teeth over what has been described as the “most embarrassing and potentially damaging disclosure of American diplomatic material in decades.”

Charles Johnson, for example, is outraged that anyone would dare shine a light on the government’s dirty little secrets. Why? Because everything our Beloved Leaders do is for our safety and security, and the WikiLeaks revelations might trip them up:

I don’t recall voting for Julian Assange. As he sets himself up as the arbiter of government morality, and recklessly reveals secrets that will distort and vastly complicate international relations, and very probably cause innocent people to suffer and die, who will hold him accountable? Who does he answer to?

And those war bloggers who get their kicks from second-hand slaughter are lusting for Assange’s blood — as long as someone else is doing all the bloodletting. The prime example, of course, is Americaneocon:

“I won’t think twice if Julian Assange meets the cold blade of an assassin.”

Why should a man die for exposing official lies? Anyone who respects honesty in government and the rule of law should applaud what Assange has done.