Friday, October 8, 2010

Nullification Tour Heads to Orlando, Florida

The Tenth Amendment Center’s “Nullify Now” rally will be heading to Orlando, Florida, this Sunday (10-10-10) to celebrate the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment and the concept of nullifying unconstitutional federal laws at the state level.

"The states don't have to obey unconstitutional federal laws. And that means, for example, no national health care mandates, no department of education, no bank bailouts, and even no federal marriage or marijuana laws," Executive Director Michael Boldin of the Tenth Amendment Center explained in a press release about the event.

"The Constitution isn't about political parties, political ideologies or political candidates,” Boldin continued. “It's about liberty, and limiting the federal government to certain enumerated powers, and nothing more. That way, the most difficult and divisive issues can be dealt with where the founders wanted them — in our states."

The Tenth Amendment movement has been growing stronger in recent months and years as the federal government’s unconstitutional expansions have become more obvious and painful to more and more Americans. And states are starting to take action.