Our political and cultural leadership are "straw men" -- fronts for the Cabalist (i.e. Illuminati Jewish) central bankers. This is why our "leaders" are such perverts and non-entities. To ensure they toe the line, they are filmed in compromising sexual situations. To ensure the whole rotten structure doesn't collapse, the bankers have erected a police state, using terrorism (which they instigate) as a pretext. "Democracy" is an elaborate charade.
Multiculturalism and diversity, feminism and homosexuality, Muslim and Latin in-migration are employed to divide and destabilize. Most people are willing to "go along to get along", to collaborate in their own enslavement.
Success generally depends on support for the Judeo Masonic (Illuminati) world government agenda. Ordinary Jews are not aware of this agenda. Jews and non-Jews alike suffer from a false consciousness, although they don't know it.
The 1890 article begins by decrying the "invasion of Israelites into every sector of public and social life" in Europe and Russia. Christians are rallying to stop "the spread of this plague" and "its most pernicious consequences."
Read the entire article