Friday, April 1, 2011

Tragedy of Empire Collapse, Operating “Ship of Fools” Dismissing Three Systemic Blows

Deranged human inhabitants steering their rudderless ship of state populated from stern to bow with frivolous citizenry ignorant of their direction and demise. An objective metaphor for flawed domestic and foreign ideology that transposes directly to a “Ship of Fools” results in igniting its very own self destruction and deep Titanic sinking demise.

1] First systemic blow, the greatest debt in recorded history. By deflecting the $trillions of debt reliance for 65 years on China and Japan’s investing in U.S. ‘full faith and trust’ in a corrupt regime. Confirming the U.S. absolute unreliability and incapacity of funding its domestic routine programs and overseas commitments without resorting to massive help from the creditor nations of China and Japan, along with other numerous countries. ”Electronics Market faces shortages, Japan Closes factories in China”

[2] The second systemic blow is the traumatic injury to the U.S. citizenry. Assault of taxpayers finite value wealth and labor commences in 2008 with the onslaught of the financial and economic meltdown. Caused by the illegal paramount cartel Federal Reserve Corporation, at the helm, holding supreme global power with manacles on rigged markets and financial systems. An illegal trust operating against legislation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act c.1890 and to the detriment of ‘We the People.’

[3] The third final and last systemic blow is the troublesome and enigmatic cant of U. S. response to world catastrophic events. The growing uselessness of the huge US military machine in crisis after crisis. It is becoming obvious that it is of virtually no use in enabling the U.S. ZPC/NWO to influence events for a one world government. The hysterical continued and illogical use of the broken 20th Century jingoistic military and 19th Century gunboat diplomacy shadows racial hatreds, war against humanity, and further destruction of sovereign nations. Video Elite Elections repeating failed 'Ship of Fools' dynamic.