Many people are talking about the Mayan 2012 prophecy.
But few know what the Mayan priests actually said about 2012. In reality, Mayan elders say something very different from what you might have heard.
For example, Wakatel Utiw – leader of the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna (the Xinca and Garifuna are non-Mayan tribes in Central America), Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar, and 13th generation Quiche Mayan Spiritual Leader - says that the end of the Maya calendar has nothing to do with the end of the world.
He also explains that December 21, 2012 might not even be the end of this cycle of the calendar:
Contrary to popular belief the living elders of the Maya do not agree that December 21, 2012 is the end of their calendar. A new “Sun” represents the beginning of a new Long Count cycle in the calendar system of approximately 5,200 years, which they say may not happen for many years.
And see this.
(A brand new film called “Shift of the Ages” tells the Mayans’ beliefs in detail … and gives their true warnings.)
Similarly, Tz’utujil Mayan elder Tata Pedro Cruz says that the world will not end in 2012:
Read the entire article