The top 25 American lies of all time
1. 9/11 done by Muslims.
1a. Airplanes brought towers down.
1b. Jews were not involved.
2. Hitler was evil, started WW2.
2a. 6 million Jews died in WW2.
3. Lone assassins killed JFK, RFK, MLK.
4. Iraq had WMDs, had to be invaded
5. Vaccines are safe and effective.
5a. GMOs make healthy food.
6. Chemtrails don’t exist.
6a. The weather is not controlled.
7. Qaddafi was a bad man.
8. Israel is America’s friend.
8a. Palestinians are vicious terrorists.
9. Astronauts went to the moon.
10. Children were killed at Sandy Hook.
11. AIDS came from monkeys.
11a. Ebola a naturally occurring disease.
12. Syria gassed children.
13. Russia invaded Ukraine.
14. Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden.
15. Blacks contribute much to society.
16. White people are evil.
17. There is strength in diversity.
18. U.S. elections are not fixed.
18a. U.S. Constitution still in force.
19. America has a free press not controlled by Jews.
20. Homosexuals don’t molest children.
20a. Pedophilia is a lifestyle choice.
21. Marijuana is harmful.
22. Civil war was about slavery.
23. Holistic doctors dying accidentally.
24. Fluoride helps keep your teeth healthy.
25. Jews are the chosen people.
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