Friday, January 5, 2018

The Marshall Scam: Birth of the Communist EU


The New World Order Globalists who had engineered and instigated both World War I and World War II now establish the United Nations as an embryonic World Government. The idea is sold as a means to prevent future wars.

1945 -1947

The Allied bombardment & destabilization of Western Europe had caused immense suffering for the people of post-war Europe.


The New York based Council on Foreign Relations hatches a long range plot to bring the nations of Europe under a single socialist system. But they are going to need a trusted "front man", a creative "cover story" and a clever "gimmick" to sell this expensive scheme to a reluctant Congress and skeptical American public.

Established after World War I, the Council on Foreign Relations has since chosen most US Presidents, and crafted a Globalist foreign policy. The CFR was behind the "Marshall Plan," a scheme from which the EUSSR grew out of.

June, 1947: The Front Man

The phony "war hero", General George Marshall (CFR) is trotted out to announce "The European Recovery Program" during a speech at Harvard. The plan is soon dubbed, "The Marshall Plan" by the propaganda press. The scheme amounts to a multi-billion dollar foreign aid (bribery) giveaway.

Read the entire article