Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In answer to a question as to whether or not he supported a two-state solution, he responded
“I like the two-state solution. I like the two-state solution,” repeating it twice, as if for emphasis.
Then looking at Netanyahu he again said,
“I like the two-state solution. Yeah, that’s what I think works best. I don’t even have to talk to anybody, that’s my feeling. Now, you may have a different feeling—I don’t think so—but I think two-state solution works best.”
Later, at another press event, in remarks that were rambling and at times incoherent, he said,
I think we’re going to go down the two-state road, and I’m glad I got it out… You know what I did today? By saying that I put it out and if you ask most people in Israel, they agree with that, but nobody wanted to say it. It is a big thing that I put it out. Now the bottom line, if the Israelis and Palestinians want one state, that’s okay with me. If they want two states, that’s okay with me. I’m happy if they’re happy. I’m a facilitator… I think probably two states is more likely…
I think it is in one way more difficult because it is a real estate deal because you need metes and bounds and you need lots of carve-outs and everything. It’s actually a little tougher deal, but another way it works better because you have people governing themselves.
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