- And who in the U.S. military, intelligence and military contractor
- chains of command and U.S. civilian leadership in the Bush-Cheney
- Administration are among the prime suspects for these Acts of High
- Treason?
- First and foremost are the signatories of the pre-9/11 Project for
- a New American Century (PNAC) manifesto calling for “a new Pearl
- Harbor” to catalyze its radical right-wing global domination and domestic
- surveillance-and-control agenda: 1) Vice President Dick Cheney;
- 2) Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld; 3) then Deputy Secretary of
- Defense Paul Wolfowitz; 4) Richard Perle, then head of Secretary
- Rumsfeld’s Defense Policy Board; 5) Jerry Hauer, one of the U.S.
- government’s top bio-terrorism experts who reportedly took anti-anthrax
- Cipro to the White House on 9/11.15A Hauer had been director of NYC
- Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM),
- whose personnel were moved to a New York pier on 9/11 just before its
- WTC7 offices were destroyed by pre-placed controlled demolition charges.
- A central player in scripting the bio-chem terrorism attack scenario for the
- Sept. 10/11/12 TRIPOD II exercise in NYC, Hauer is also an expert in
- the response to building collapses (New York Times, July 27, 1999).
- It was Hauer who insisted, despite the 1993 terrorist attack on WTC1,
- that Giuliani still locate his Office of Emergency Management, from which
- a response to another terrorist attack would be expected to be orchestrated,
- in WTC7 next door15B, and also Hauer who zealously pushed the ‘bin Laden
- did it and planes-and-fires brought down the Towers’ official story on CBS
- News on 9/11 in the immediate aftermath of the attacks before anyone
- without insider knowledge could have possibly determined the actual cause
- of the collapses, taking pains to state that explosives were not involved,
- when they were. The OEM opened on the 23rd floor of WTC7 in June 1999,
- where Hauer, its director, had his office. Hauer was also managing director
- of Kroll Associates before and on 9/11, the company that provided ‘security’
- for the World Trade Center, including all three buildings brought down by
- controlled demolition that morning, and thus had complete access to preplace
- the explosive charges he adamantly insisted on national TV on 9/11
- were not involved. Hauer became a National Security adviser to the
- National Institutes of Health on Sept. 10, the very day TRIPOD II personnel
- arrived in New York City , from which new NIH post he managed the Bush
- Administration’s ‘response’ to the imminent anthrax attacks and the
- initial cover up of the insider anthrax killers. 6) Gary Bauer, the rightwing
- ‘family values’ zealot who ‘happened’ to be one of the ‘witnesses’
- to immediately claim publicly to have seen ‘Flight 77 hit the Pentagon’,
- proven by the evidence to be a physical impossibility; and 7) then National
- Security Council Middle East adviser Zalmay Khalizad close to NSC
- Director Condolezza Rice, soon to be the first US Ambassador to
- Afghanistan after 9/11 and then U.S. Ambassador to Iraq – the very
- two countries whose invasions were rationalized as retaliation for the 9/11
- attacks. During the Cold War, Khalizad was reportedly a liaison to then
- CIA “bag man” Osama bin Laden in the CIA-Pakistani ISI-Saudi covert
- war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, the crucible from which al Qaeda
- later emerged. ‘Al Qaeda’, in fact, was originally the CIA’s and ISI’s
- list of anti-Soviet foreign fighters in Afghanistan.
Read the entire article