Thursday, October 21, 2010


Stupid is one thing but when combined with outright insanity and the inherent paranoia and lack of judgement that go with it and the utter lack of discernment that stupidity is famous for, an opening is created, more like a festering wound. The same forces that have used the media and entertainment industry to foment fear and hopelessness have been able to control, not only thousands of internet sites but have recruited “bloggers” by the thousands also. Using rewards like trips to Israel, access to politicians and, particularly, admission to tightly controlled and carefully orchestrated “media events” these automatons of the internet, the “robotic bloggers” accept “talking points” on a daily basis, working their own blogs along with comment sections of news sites and the personal networking groups as well.

This could be considered a type of harvest, one where the ripened fruit comes to you. There is a science to this. Let’s take a look at how it works. Some of the concepts used are called “layering.” This is “mind control 101.”

Network news organizations have established, through repetition, an addiction to “information,” a need to feed something inside, a feeling of drama based on anger not unlike the methods used by Joseph Goebbels to enrage the German people at the Jews. Where, at one time, the airwaves couldn’t be used for blatant political manipulation, the destruction of the “fairness” rule during the Reagan administration allowed financial entities to take control of, not so much just the media, but all perception, literally replacing the normal sensory inputs, you know, eating and sex, things like that.

This is where “stupid” becomes even more dangerous. When simple “dumb” can bring about, not just the elimination of the middle class, suppression of human rights, but cost America the lives and health of an entire generation of our young adults who have been pushed into military service, some by misguided patriotism, some to avoid poverty and homelessness, “dumb” is inexcusable. When “stupid” is more dangerous than any terrorist, any ‘false flag” attack or any extremist political movement, “stupid” is the real enemy.