Monday, October 11, 2010

Rick Sanchez Firing: Not the First

When Rick Sanchez the former CNN anchor, made his remarks about Jews controlling the media, a routine that has been honed to perfection went into motion and within 24 hours he was fired.

Rather than being a manifestation of the “Divine” however, we view it as another example of what Henry Makow sees in Sanchez’s sacking. It simply confirms Jewish predominance in the media.

More to the point however, it reaffirms that those Jews involved in the media are not simply Jewish but overwhelmingly pro-Zionist Jews – a crucial distinction – who unerringly present arguments or frame disputes from one particular perspective.

Nonetheless, the speed and severity of the response to comments by Sanchez, Thomas and Nasr has raised questions over whether we are seeing the imposition of a new kind of censorship: one that summarily seeks to silence any criticism of Zionism or Israel as “anti-Semitic”.

In recent years most media workers adhered to one particular narrative because their positions depended on it. So much so that many journalists routinely followed the Zionist line without question. In the light of recent events however, one has to ask: how much longer will this continue?