Saturday, October 2, 2010

NEW GUMBALLS VIDEO: Immigration won't help world's poor -- tends to hurt them

Your NumbersUSA team has gone to great effort to produce an updated video that matches the professionalism, the integrity and the persuasiveness of the original.

We have always found that Americans are hungry for information that helps them make decisions on an ethical basis. We believe this is a major reason for the wild popularity of this presentation about the international humanitarian perspectives of immigration.

The first argument of the video is that it makes no sense to harm America's own poor, unemployed and vulnerable -- as well as America's own natural resources -- by having high immigration. The key reason is that even if we were to double our immigration levels, it can't make even a tiny dent in reducing world poverty.

But the second argument may be even more striking:

"We may be really hurting the impoverished people of the world because the million that we do take are among the most energetic -- often the better educated, certainly the most dissatisfied -- people who if they did not immigrate would be the agents for change to improve the lot of all the people in these (impoverished) countries."