Mark Potok, the Southern Poverty Law Center's underpaid hitman, has posted a HuffPo column [Nativist Laws Wreak Havoc Across Nation, January 24, 2010] puffing the SPLC's just-issued report attacking the desperate efforts of American to protect themselves from illegal aliens at the local level, a result of Washington's paralysis. The ultimate target (“Behind all of this stands one man”) seems to be Kris Kobach, chief counsel for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, whose election as Kansas Secretary of State last November was part of the immigration patriot movement's glacial but inexorable advance into politics, something the $PLC and its backers want to stop at all costs.
Kobach for President!
Probably because MSM coverage of the $PLC is so uncritical, Potok unguardedly makes two telling admissions. First, he writes:
"Kobach's affiliation with FAIR is important. For most of the last three decades, FAIR has been working, as its founder John Tanton once wrote, to preserve "a European-American majority, and a clear one at that." Although the organization is typically less than candid about its motives, its president Dan Stein has sounded similar notes."
In other words, the Treason Lobby is threatening to spend enough money to litigate patriot legislation to death (with a little help from friendly liberal judges). This is nothing less than an open expression of contempt for democracy—and remember, these are illegal immigrants the $PLC is insisting on imposing on Americans.
Of course, it raises the question of the $PLC's lavish funding—and why it hasn't returned the Madoff-tainted money it got from the Picower Foundation.