We began calling Keith Olbermann, Obamamann during the 08 (s)election, due to his ceaseless boot licking, and obsequious propaganda repeated nightly in support of Barack Obama, and all things Democrat. Even progressives and “liberals” became sick of this act, which created an unprecedented ratings slide at MSNBC.
MSNBC-GE-Comcast has some work to do to save this so called new network.
Here are a few suggestions for them:
1) FIRE Ed Shultz, Larry O Donnell, and Rachel Maddow asap before they drag you down with them!
2) Give Dylan Ratigan a Raise!
3) Publicly apologize for what you did to Mr Phil Donahue just after 911.
4) Admit that you are nothing but a war propagandist, and that you GE, have profited from the Bush / Obama wars, and the commentary supporting them. IE: Add a disclaimer reminding viewers of your bias, and connection to the Military Industrial Complex. Warn people of this conflict of interest.
5) Hire news presenters that are not smug, condescending, and cheap.