Thursday, February 24, 2011


Feisty Helen Thomas again skewered Israel, this time on a CNN interview. She stated that most of the “Jews” who violently drove out 800,000 Palestinians from Palestine in 1948 were actually not Jews at all but “Europeans” (ie. descendants of the central European nation of Khazaria converted to Judaism about 850 AD). (See, The Khazars: Do They Destroy God’s Plan for the Jews?) “They’re not Semites, I mean, most of them are from Europe.”

She also asserted that, with the end of World War II, persecution of Jews worldwide had ceased and there was no need for such “Europeans” to steal Palestine from those who had occupied it for millennia. “There hasn’t been persecution… since World War II. You don’t take other people’s land. They didn’t have to go anywhere really, because they weren’t being persecuted anymore… Under international law occupied land should not be annexed.”

Defending herself from the accusation that she is insensitive in criticizing Israel and Jewish control, Thomas replies: “Count how many Palestinians are in jail now, taken from their homes, a million refugees, is that sensitive?”

Thomas reiterated her claim that, short of having their career ruined by Jewish attack groups like ADL, there is no freedom of speech for public figures who criticize Israel. “We have organized lobbyists in favor of Israel…. You can’t open your mouth. I can call the president of the United States anything in the book, but if you say one thing about Israel…you’re off limits…. I have regrets that everyone misinterpreted it and distorted it, and you have the Ari Fleischer and the Abe Foxman distorting everything, so I certainly knew that and I should of kept my mouth shut, probably."