Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran. Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to happen.
No nation on earth, we should believe, would ever stage such an event, dirty bomb or even full scale nuclear attack, as nothing less than that could push Americans to war, not an America very skeptical of 9/11 and its aftermath.
Since 1999, confirmed as the year that the invasion of Iran was decided upon by Israel and their key allies in the US, the “neocons,” world events have been dominated by attempts to pre-stage a massive war.But the enemy is nearly unassailable, geographically isolated, armed to the teeth and closely aligned with China, the world’s second military power, the nation with the stranglehold on America’s credit purse strings.
9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq were just “run ups” to the Iran invasion that never materialized in 2005 like Bush had planned, pushed forward by a “false flag” terror attack in Bahrain the White House and JSOC had attempted, thwarted by patriotic American military leaders.
None of this is news, none is history, all is, however, very easy to document though some of those involved in thwarting the Bush plan have been assassinated and others put on “terror suspect” lists. Now we see it all heating up again.