Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern makes two prescient observations about the Zionist-Central Banking-War Party’s drive to incite an American-Israeli conflict with Iran, aside from the sheer insanity and immorality of the proposition itself.
The first is that Fawning Corporate Media (FCM), as McGovern aptly tabs it, virtually never covers the real story, or gets it right. The late William Colby told me much the same thing over 30 years ago, in greater detail. Colby flatly stated in the late 1970s that Corporate Media is totally at the behest of the American National Security Establishment, Central Banks, and Multinational Consortiums. Once it is understood who the Masters of Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) are, the methodology and the game plan become clearer. Seen through these lenses, FCM’s failures in covering what the public has a right to know are no longer attributable to sheer incompetence, but to deliberate demonic design.
Any analysis of an FCM newspaper, television show, magazine, or Internet site will reveal the basics of how the game is played. FCM either: 1) fails to report the real story of any given day or week; 2) buries the real story without comment or explanatory context on the back page of the paper/magazine or in the filler section of a telecast; or 3) reports the real story with the prominent lead story status it deserves, but with a manipulation of the data and a false spin on what the data means, provided by news anchors, columnists, and editors, whose handsomely paid corporate salaries depend on serving as a conduit for the deliberately deceptive, proffered at the direction of The Masters.
The creation of an external enemy, followed by a manufactured incident with The Masters behind the curtain, is one of the oldest tricks of the trade in history. When you hear a new version of Remember Pearl Harbor playing on the radio after an American-Israeli war with Iran commences, either before November of 2012 or after a Presidential inauguration in 2013, remember the warning you are reading this day.
As for the American people, if they want a real war the enemy is not Iran and the Iranian people. If there is a fight worth fighting, it is in reclaiming our nation’s political, cultural, and economic landscape from the same sorts of thieves who have been robbing Palestinians blind since 1948. They have been robbing Americans of their Old Republic throughout the 20th century, with nary a domestic uprising.
Will The Masters pull it off again?