Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran. Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to happen.
No nation on earth, we should believe, would ever stage such an event, dirty bomb or even full scale nuclear attack, as nothing less than that could push Americans to war, not an America very skeptical of 9/11 and its aftermath.
However, one nation is free to do just that, knowing it faces no consequences of any kind from America, our closest ally, continually caught spying on us, buying off politicians or, as in Britain, running the government into the ground behind the front of “News Corp” and the Murdoch empire.
Since 1999, confirmed as the year that the invasion of Iran was decided upon by Israel and their key allies in the US, the “neocons,” world events have been dominated by attempts to pre-stage a massive war.
The endgame will be a nuclear bomb, a fission device or, minimally, a very large “dirty bomb.” Chatter says “Chicago.” To be blamed? Iran. Who is doing it?
Think “the ususal suspects,” think global, think Middle East, think Christian extremist, think Zionist, think big news agencies facing collapse, their leaders looking at prison, think oil, you know the names.