Saturday, October 29, 2011


In 2009 Libya was a friend to the US so much so that Libya allowed several US corporate giants to enter and approval was given for training of Libyan security personnel and civilians. These were the civilians that eventually became “rebels” given arms by the West to overthrow Gaddafi in a movement called “liberating Libya”. Arming locals has become a new strategy to avoid deaths to coalition forces while NATO is tasked to take on the indiscriminate air strikes. So what has been the cost for killing a man who has ruled a nation for 42 years without debt to the IMF or the World Bank? It took 8 months for US-NATO to take over Libya, the pro-US Libyan Government may celebrate and rejoice but that celebration is as short-lived as the jubilations in Iraq and Egypt where the people are beginning to realize their country would have still been better off with Saddam Hussein and Hosni Mubarak!

The USA is morally and financially broke, uneducated and sick but it is its arrogance that continues to think that all nations must bow down to US dictates. Gaddafi’s Libya will soon find out what it is like to live in a country without Gaddafi’s charisma in a country that is soon likely to be fleeced by the West. Where people will be broke, without money, hungry, paying for all services but reminded all the while that they are “free, liberated & enjoying the fruits of human rights”. In the meanwhile, the US will ensure friction amongst tribes in Libya so that turmoil will prevail just like they are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan while Western oil giants cease the oil, gold and all natural resources that Libya possesses which in reality was the reason for the whole exercise of humanitarian intervention.

It is not difficult to comprehend the trend that is taking place and the dangers of the West’s financial turmoil will mean further “humanitarian” operations on targeted nations and the basis for the next stop being Syria is already under way.

Let all US-NATO nations realize that the people of the world are no fools. Citizens of these nations may be fooled since mainstream media have blinded them with lies and false versions to brainwash them but nemesis for the innocent deaths will follow US-NATO and their leaders for the destruction they are doing to the people, the environment and to nations throughout the past decade.