A statement of fact, reasonable and sensible, today would be worse than any of the phony “Al Qaeda” videos foisted on the public by the neocon/bankster conspiracy. What is that fact? Using force, police, military or otherwise against the citizens of America, Israel, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Italy, France….
That time is over.
We are not going away quietly, no longer buying the lies, no longer divided by “left” and “right.” We are taking our lives back, not just in America or Israel or across the Arab world but Europe as well.
We aren’t giving up our homes, our familie’s security, our remaining savings, our ability to buy food and heat our homes just so a pack of criminal billionaire hyenas can run the world like a Monopoly game.
To those who have tried to play gatekeeper, play “divide and conquer” I ask, “How is it working out for you so far?”
We aren’t buying the war on terror anymore, we know better. It has been a scam from day one. Not everyone is ready to call it “murder,” not yet.