Pat can moan his requiem for the good old days, but in fact those days were rotten with the stench of money love, and the supremacy of the hedge fund operators and the legion of usury parasites who up to this day continue to place the people Jesus bought for a price on that Cross on Calvary, into debt slavery.
So-called “Conservatives" are incapable of getting to the actual root of anything, whether it is the Talmudic nature of the subversion of the West, or the Renaissance papal situation ethics which, long before there was a U.S. Supreme Court or a New York media, turned the loan sharks loose on the people of God. That sodomites were eventually also turned loose is a shock only to the “Conservatives."
Until we have the grace and vision to penetrate clouds of misdirection, we will continue to inhabit the sad, stoop-shouldered ranks of history’s losers, consoling ourselves with the knowledge that wordsmiths such as Mr. Buchanan have crafted for us an eloquent obituary.
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