Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bilderberg 2010: Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse

Highlighting once again how increased exposure of Bilderberg and their motives on behalf of activists over recent years has contributed towards the agenda becoming an open conspiracy, the London Times, perhaps the biggest establishment newspaper in the world alongside the New York Times and the Washington Post, was the first mainstream publication to break the silence on hundreds of global power brokers meeting in secret at the Hotel Dolce resort in Sitges over the next few days, with a report entitled Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests.

For the Times to name the most influential figures attending the event and reveal what they will discuss is a far cry from how the corporate media treated Bilderberg in the past, when they were loathe to even acknowledge its existence.

A newly leaked internal document from Spain’s Zapatero administration outlines how Spain’s “green economy initiatives” have been a financial disaster. The report suggests that the real rate of job losses as a result of “green” policies is in actual fact worse than 2.2 jobs lost for every one gained, and that the “green economy” must be abandoned if the country is to save itself from economic ruin.

If Spain goes down then so does the euro, a scenario that petrifies Bilderbergers whose ultimate dream of a one world currency rests in shoring up confidence in the euro, to the point where the European Central Bank now routinely manipulates and intervenes in the forex markets on a weekly basis in an effort to prop up the ailing single currency. Some countries aren’t convinced and are already running for the exit door, with Iran and some Gulf states dumping the euro and buying gold bullion.