But let's get real here for a moment - doesn't the reaction to Oliver Stone's comments prove his point? After all, his only crime is being candid. The media smear campaign from the Jewish community is simply the expected, predictable and automatic attack anyone speaking against Jews or Israel will suffer. Get real. The same exact thing happened to Helen Thomas when she had the temerity to ask the tough questions. This anti-Semite schtick is getting old, old, old!
Don't call me a Jew-hater, Jew-basher or any of that nonsense. I have Jewish friends and I intend to keep them. But I've got to call it as I see it - and there is either corruption, nepotism, or Zionism going on here.
Check out these links and make up your own mind whether or not a 2% segment of the population of America should hold such a high percentage of powerful positions. Do you think they talk? Do you think they have common goals? Do you think they share a common agenda?
I wonder if any of them feel a special loyalty to Israel - a loyalty that might affect their judgement when it comes to putting America FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD. (To quote a friend of mine.)