For the last decade, America has been shuffling its entire military, including hundreds of thousands of private contractors, in and out of the Middle East on little more than a “snipe hunt.” Time for a reality check. Iraq never attacked the US. Reports say Al Qaeda may have fewer than 30 men in Afghanistan.
The Taliban has been asking for a cease fire for months. Turkey and Brazil negotiated a nuclear deal with Iran ending any possible threat, one we strangely, very strangely ignored. “Thermo-nuclear Israel’s” continual whining and manipulation is wearing thin. America’s economy, her Army and her suffering veterans demand an end to our Bush era phony war.
General Petraeus is now in Afghanistan. The endless games, paying the Taliban for security, protecting drug dealers and propping up a failed dictatorship can come to an end. OK, some news; the Taliban is sick of the war and ready to settle. The only thing keeping the war going is the Karzai brothers and their business partners. They aren’t worth it, they aren’t America’s allies, they are hated in Afghanistan and they need to be ‘retired’ to the south of France. I suspect they will be able to live quite well, no financial help needed.
Iran isn’t the problem, it never was. Since the 1960s, America has been running interference for Israel’s territorial ambitions. They are now occupying part of Egypt, Jordan and Syria and what had been 4 million Muslim and Christian residents of Palestine are now 1.5 million Gaza detainees and 2.5 million refugees. Iran had already agreed to a proposal from Turkey and Brazil that would have gotten rid of any nuclear material that may have been used for a weapon, a “workable” deal that seems to have been opposed only because it is preventing a war that Israel wants.
Of course, Israel wants to attack Iran while hundreds of thousand of American troops are standing by. America’s occupation of the Middle East has proven to be a destabilizing influence for sure, making war on a whim attractive, a war really being fought as in Afghanistan over money, always oil and gas, drugs or arms profiteering. Without America’s military power, her ability to project force in the Middle East, a capability put in place after the first Gulf War, history might be very different.