When you have a disease, you don't fight the disease on the basis of its symptoms. You fight it on the basis of the disease. [Obama's] symptomatic behavior is not what we should focus on.
Look, in April of last year, on the 11th, I gave the world a precise and accurate diagnosis of the personality of President Obama. I said what he was, and what he was going to do. He has behaved exactly the way I said, on April 11, of last year, all the way through to the present time. The trajectory of his patterns of behavior, is exactly identical, from a clinical standpoint, identical to that of Nero and Adolf Hitler! Their personalities are identical! And the prognosis for the United States, which tolerates an Obama in the Presidency now, is the same as the Germany which tolerated Adolf Hitler!
Adolf Hitler was a tool! The others were tools, but they were tools of failed personalities who could not make it normally in society, because they were failed personalities. And they were inherently doomed, if they ever came into a position of power, or they had a free hand as a power. That was the case of Nero—and people should look at the case of Nero, the actual, known history of Nero. Look at the actual, known history of Adolf Hitler. Look at the actual, known history of Obama! They are identical personalities.
And we should not be concerned about what has happened, in the past. We have to be concerned, as I have been, about what is about to happen, if we do not act on this knowledge.
Now, the problem is, institutions in the United States government have recognized this sociological fact: What do you do, if the President is a "failed personality"? That is the specific study that was conducted. And the answer was, "Well, there is not much we can do about it."