Monday, August 16, 2010


"Conservatives' and 'libertarians' who run to federal court and beg for this treatment are their own worst enemies. Their quest for a federal veto on local matters such as gun control or property takings does just as much harm as the American Civil Liberties Union's quest to eradicate religion from public view or to establish abortion as a secular sacrament.

"Liberty cannot survive without independence, and a temporary victory in federal court today blazes a path to a thousand defeats tomorrow. As the Founders understood, any power that MIGHT be abused WILL be abused, so it must be avoided. Although the states abuse their power as well, such abuses have limited geographic scope and allow us to escape as a last resort. There is no escape from federal power, unless one wishes to expatriate or renounce citizenship (which the federal government is making more difficult every day).

"If you confront an unjust law in your state, advocate its repeal. If that doesn't work, vote for candidates who will one day repeal it. Failing that, bring a challenge in state court based on the state constitution--the U.S. Supreme Court cannot interfere unless the case involves the U.S. Constitution or federal law. And as mentioned before, leave the state if you are ultimately unsatisfied with it; do not spoil it for the others who wish to remain there."

Amen! Brilliantly stated!

America has only one chance to regain freedom--only one chance: a State (or better, a group of states) standing forcefully on the principle of State jurisdiction and authority (federalism), which means it (they) should immediately implement Mr. Longcore's first three action-points mentioned above; and if it becomes necessary, points four and five as well.