Findley wrote, “Ethnic group pressure is an ever-present part of U.S. partisan politics, and because the president of the United States is the executor of all foreign policy, and the formulator of most of it, pressures naturally center on the people who hold or seek the presidency. When the pressure is from friends of Israel, presidents—and presidential candidates—often yield.” 39 This has been the case since Truman’s presidency (1945–1953). Condoleezza Rice once said, “We have an Israel-centric foreign policy.” Regarding Iraq, Findley said, “Our forces invaded because Israel wanted us to topple Saddam. Two religious communities – one consisting of a combination of secular and ultra-Orthodox Jews and the other of misguided Christian fundamentalists – control U.S. Middle East policies.”
The Muslims are not the enemy. They don’t extort usury through the Federal Reserve; they aren’t manufacturing population-reducing vaccines and GMO seeds; they didn’t devise our abortion laws (about fifty million dead); they didn’t bail out the banks; they didn’t create the Department of Homeland Security and impose the PATRIOT Act; they aren’t wiretapping our private conversations or scanning us at the airport; they didn’t impose godless Communism on several countries and cause the death of millions of innocent people; they haven’t instituted the draconian healthcare laws; they have not orchestrated the nation’s economic crashes; they have not deindustrialized the nation and outsourced so many jobs; they haven’t wiped out the middle class by passing trade laws like NAFTA; and they haven’t foreclosed on thousands of homes; they are not the reason thousands of people live in tent cities; they haven’t developed depleted uranium weapons. Instead of worrying about a mosque, consider what’s going on behind the closed doors at the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, the Senate and House chambers, the CFR, the State Department, the UN or dozens of other places. The Muslims didn’t instigate the attacks on the USS Liberty or the USS Cole and they didn’t orchestrate the highly organized attack in Manhattan on 9/11.
People should be burning the 9/11 Commission Report or if they insist on burning a religious book, burn the Bible or the Talmud instead of the Quran. Most of the people who insist that the Quran is full of hate have never even seen the book.