Secularism has crept into our churches. Most Christians judge behavior by secular standards.
Standing up for Jesus in the public square has become “intolerant” and certainly no “good Christian” would want to violate that most important of all secular-commandments.
WWJT…What Would Jesus Tolerate…that is the question Christians should be asking ourselves.
Here is the point. If “religion” is merely to be used as a set of values by which we live our lives, then I suppose it doesn’t matter which one you choose. But if heaven and hell are real, and there really is life beyond this world, then “religion” takes on a whole new perspective. Christianity is not a popularity contest and it is certainly more than a life-enhancing philosophy.
If the Bible is true, then all other roads lead to hell. Christianity has a cross at one end and an empty tomb at the other.
Jesus was very intolerant…I AM THE WAY…NO OTHER GODS. Would Jesus burn a Quran? I don’t know…but He does promise to burn souls.