Monday, August 8, 2011

Massacre In Norway – Part 2

“So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists and multiculturalists (23).” ~ Anders Behring Breivik.

This quote, from Breivik’s startling manifesto, has been completely repressed by the Zionist media. It’s no surprise why. This single declaration not only shows that Breivik is a militant Zionist, but one who is ready to shed blood for the usurping entity's ‘crusade against Muslims.’ Sick doesn’t begin to describe it. This critical revelation will be revisited in just a moment.

As was the case with the attacks in New York City and Washington D.C. on September 11th, 2001, when multiple war games and terror drills were being conducted as Mossad’s false flag operation commenced (24), and the attacks against Britain on July 7th, 2005, when a terror drill involving mock bombings were being conducted just hours before another Mossad false flag operation unfolded (25), Norway also had its own pre-false-flag-op terror drill. 48 hours before carnage struck Oslo and Utøya Island, Oslo police staged a dramatic sham terror attack with bombs and firearms near the Oslo Opera House (26). Alone, this piece of information shatters the already fragile mainstream narrative; it displays foreknowledge. Someone knew that this was coming and nothing was done to stop it. Why? And who knew?

In the modern era, no geopolitical analysis would be complete without the mentioning of the world’s ‘finest whistleblower,’ Wikileaks. Anders Behring Breivik stated that he had been planning his attack since 2009 and by some mystical, odd, magical coincidence, Wikileaks released ‘cables’ from 2009 on the exact same day of Breivik’s rampage that Norway was “in over its head” in regards to a terror attack, going further to state that Norway “felt immune to terrorism” and was “unprepared (48).” When it is taken into consideration that Julian Assange is an agent of the Rothschild family, the Zionist entity’s godfathers, and the Wikileaks organization is a Mossad-CIA ‘limited hangout operation’ designed to control dissent in a re-branding of COINTELPRO and attack ‘hostile’ nations with psychological warfare (49), it can easily be deducted that the release of these ‘cables’ was the usurping Israeli regime’s way of gloating as Norway coped with the tragedy.