Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Moves to Curb Criticism of Israel In US and Canada

“New legislation in the US threatens to conflate campus criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism” reports Kristin Szremski

Great ! This shows the immense power that “the Organization”, the major pro-Israel organizations such as the Zionist Organization of America and the Anti-Defamation League has to beat down, censor and muzzle popular demand against amazing majority numbers in the face of all reason and “democratic” principle.

And, it also illustrates the cupidity, weakness, and failures of moral principles of elected representatives in the US and Canada to stand up for principle and the will of their constituency when confronted with, promises, offers, influence, coercion, intimidation and probably blackmail, as well as greed and ambition.

Eventually this will all have to be be brought and argued before the US Supreme Court. But, it is so patently a restriction of freedom of speech and association, that no one will permit it to go that far until they are absolutely assured that they have the Court stacked solidly enough, and public opinion sufficiently frightened or conditioned to accept a finding, one way or the other.