One of many protester signs read:
“The corrupt fear us. The honest support us. The heroic join us.”
Suggested ideas include:
■revoking corporate personhood;
■reinstating Glass-Steagall, decoupling commercial from investment banks and insurers, among other provisions to curb speculation;
■demanding Obama establish an “American Democracy Reform Commission” to end “monied corruption in Washington;” in other words, get money out of politics;
■creating a similar commission for banking to assure for starters too-big-to-fail banks don’t exist;
Most important is returning money power to Congress as the Constitution’s Article 1, Section 8 demands, saying:
“The Congress shall have Power….(t)o coin Money, (and) regulate the Value thereof….”
It didn’t say bankers have a divine right to control the most important of all powers. More on that below.
“Agree to be bold (and) decisive against the financial corruption of America,” say Occupy Wall Street organizers.