President Obama left no cliché unturned in his much-touted July 1 speech on immigration, and it's impossible to read the transcript without laughing. The southern border is too long to secure! We can't deport 11 million illegals!! We have too stepped up enforcement! Obama even finished—wait for it—with Emma Lazarus and the Statue of Liberty!!! (curiously singling out only the Jewish component of the 1880-1920 Great Wave of immigrants). NumbersUSA has an excellent dissection here.
But actually Obama's speech was no laughing manner. For example, it contained this telling line:
We should make it easier for the best and the brightest to come to start businesses and develop products and create jobs.
That means the Obama legislation, when it materializes, will include increases in legal immigration. He's going to go the full Bush, in other words—the Open Borders element in Bush's 2004 amnesty proposal that was so incredible that Republican voters literally didn't believe he had proposed it.
Obama also claimed that "laws like Arizona’s put huge pressures on local law enforcement to enforce rules that ultimately are unenforceable". (My emphasis). Since SB1070 only empowers Arizona to enforce already existing federal law, this can only mean that Obama thinks federal law is unenforceable.
This seems to me to cast doubt upon the sincerity with which he took the oath of office, and to raise the specter (as it did in the case of George W. Bush) of ultimate impeachment.