Before you read the second article below , every American -- Anglo, Latino, Black and Asian needs to know what is really behind the monster that has taken slavemaster's control in Mexico and is bringing dire misery to both Mexican and US citizens. Let this information drive home the point that it is not Mexican peasants coming here to work that is our problem as the Tea Party organizers, Beck, Palin and other phony and/or totally uninformed patriots will tell you. This is what we all have to know to really solve the deadly situation we are facing.
In the 1990's while Jewish Mafia "Russian" Oligarchs with the help of Harvard economists were cherry picking all of Russia's privatized wealth from an internally sabotaged socialist goverment that owned all of the means of production, the man who is today counted the world's richest, Carlos Helu, was doing the same thing in Mexico, forced into privitization/liquidation by the contrived peso/debt crisis and under pressure from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to liberalize its country's economy. A massive giveaway of privatization began, with the government selling off the hundreds of companies that were state-owned assets.
Favored insider Carlos Helu was the appointed cherrypicker. Of course the biggest cherry of all was Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex), the Mexican national telephone company and Carlos got it.
Helu is not simply a speculator. Helu runs his aquisitions according to policy set by City of London globalists -- a crime syndicate for those who don't like to mince words. As soon as Helu was firmly in control of Mexico -- the Mexican drug cartels were replaced with bigger, badder and better armed competitors who always managed to be at the bottom of any list of drug-fighting attention by Mexican authorities.