Friday, September 3, 2010

Bilderberg Mourns: Nationalism Gaining

A leading Bilderberg spokesman mourned that “right-wing populism is on the upswing” and is likely to destroy hopes of a world government because of increasing “hard-edged nationalism.”

Charles Kupchan, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and a professor at Georgetown University in Washington, wrote his lamentations Aug. 29 in the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post. The CFR is the public relations arm of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. It produces “white papers” advocating the positions taken by Bilderberg and its brother group, the Trilateral Commission, at their secret meetings each spring.

Kupchan reflected the mood at the Bilderberg and Trilateral meetings last spring, where the global elite grieved over their numerous setbacks in recent years. “From London to Berlin to Warsaw, Europe is experiencing a renationalization of political life, with countries clawing back the sovereignty they once willingly sacrificed in pursuit of a collective ideal,” Kupchan wrote in the Post. “For many Europeans, that greater good no longer seems to matter.”

These trends “could compromise one of the most significant and unlikely accomplishments of the 20th century: an integrated Europe,” Kupchan said. “The result could be individual nations. . . . Germany’s pursuit of its national interest is crowding out its enthusiasm for the EU (European Union). . . . Even Germany’s courts are putting the brakes on the EU, last year issuing a ruling that strengthened the national parliament’s sway over European legislation.”