I guess it is time we start calling Glenn Beck “Reverend.” Who would have ever believed that the second largest gathering of Christians in the history of Washington DC would be initiated by a Mormon talk-show host? The Promise Keepers “Stand in the Gap” event of 1997 was the only thing that could top what Beck pulled off.
The “Restoring Honor” event that Glen Beck just pulled off in Washington is a tremendous indictment on America’s pastors. Twice in the last 20 years, a Spiritual revival has been ignited in the heartland of America. Once by a football coach and the other by a talk show host. In both cases the last one’s to “get it” were the shepherds.
For the love of God, where are America’s pastors?
Unfortunately, the shepherds are all hiding inside their stained glassed fortresses, safely protected from the battle, cooing that “religion and politics don’t mix.” All the while, the sheep that they are supposed to be “leading out” are wandering in search of a leader.
But the cowardly pastors are nowhere to be found. Go to any local Tea Party and ask for a show of hands. Rarely will you find a pastor in attendance. Most of them are probably meeting with their local ecumenical group to see how they can compromise the Truth of the Gospel right out of existence.