What seems abundantly clear is that the Israeli intelligence community’s allies in the British and American governments are increasingly worried about the English-language division of Press TV/Iran, especially its U. S. Desk. Programs like my recent appearance with Alison Weir of If Americans Knew in Los Angeles on American 3rd parties, Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote of Cal State Fullerton on the relationship of the Empire’s wars to economic downturn, and Culture Wars editor Dr. E. Michael Jones’ televised expose on Barack Obama and The Lobby, are simply bringing too much unfiltered information and analysis to the previously uninitiated in both the United States and Europe.
It may not be a coincidence that the British Ofcom case against Press TV Iran pops up against the backdrop of Netanyahu’s state visit to the United States to press his own case for ongoing Talmudic Death and Destruction in the Middle East, courtesy of wholehearted American political support and economic subsidy. Israel’s purchased Democratic and Republican supporters in the Zionist Occupied Territory (ZOA) known as Capitol Hill are tripping over themselves to demonstrate which of the two major parties can demonstrate more obeisance to the Zionist State and its domestic Jewish lobby Stateside. After all, the Presidential primaries commence in 8 months; the general election only 18 months away, with all that this impending “choice” implies for the American public and the world. Early money is the most critical money in politics; corporate media advertising cash and primary endorsements will necessitate tap-dancing to Bibi’s tune on national television. Don’t bet on any of Philip Giraldi’s recent questions to Netanyahu being asked by any of the shills for the Corporate Media House that takes its own marching orders from the same folks who bankroll Red-White-and-Blue elections. The endgame is absolutely guaranteed. Take it to Chase Manhattan Bank.
It may also be more than a coincidence that the Ofcom case reappears in the UK during King Barack Obama’s state visit to the British royal family and subsequent address to Parliament. Our Nobel Prize-winning President’s bellicose foreign policy and budgetary allocations for the American National Security State make Dubya look like George McGovern. Here’s betting that El Presidente has already been briefed by Bibi that the former’s electoral success in the fall of 2012 will necessitate Mr. Obama’s signing off on an American-Israeli attack on Iran no later than January of 2013, along with accompanying territorial expansions of Eretz Yisrael. The 44th President’s present chat with the British Royal Family, the PM, and the most trusted sources in the British Parliament may well be conveying the substance of whatever Faustian bargain was made between the American and Israeli chief executives this past weekend.