The literary device of Pound’s ghost can only be Eustace Mullins, Pound’s longtime assistant and protegé, who has over the decades become every bit as notorious and revered as his mentor. While Pound created the reputation in letters as the most authentic American poet of the 20th century, Mullins — who started out as the imprisoned Pound’s devoted assistant — has done the same for himself in the area of revealing the secrets of the Federal Reserve scam and chronicling the hidden history of that certain tribe, to whose exploits we now return.
The narrative of the ghost in this story is directly lifted from Mullins’ New History of Jews, which he wrote in 1968.
It chronicles the destruction of a succession of nations down through the centuries, and the formula is shockingly similar. It paints a certain picture over and over again, and when you hear enough of these surprising and suppressed examples of history, you’ll get the message.
In this media blitz that today we call cyberspace, so much alternative information is presented by clever poseurs on all levels claiming that it’s not Jews, it’s Zionists; it’s not Jews, it’s Neocons; it’s not Jews, it’s Communists; it’s not Jews, it’s the Illuminati. Wise up, my friend. All of those labels are synonyms for Judaism, which is not really a religion, but a crime scheme. It gives one demonstrably insane group of people to rob and kill everyone else, and they’ve been so clever at it FOR FIVE THOUSAND YEARS, most people don’t even notice.