Opposing Christian values, the Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU and a myriad of other liberal Jewish organizations loathe the burgeoning creationist and intelligent design movements. ADL joins legislators and scientists to mock the "unscientific" idea of special creation and assists the courts in banning equal representation of the creationist model in public schools.
Modern creation science is led by an array of top-flight Ph.D. scientists, including biochemists, paleontologists, astronomers and geologists. It presents a formidable battery of evidence now knocking hundreds of holes in traditional evolutionary arguments. As never before, scientific creationism debunks the contrived "evidence" that evolutionary theory has fed on since Darwin. Polls show that the common sense of most Americans won’t let them believe that blind chance and random mutations spontaneously generated the infinitely complex, stupendously designed miracle of life. Cutting edge biochemistry continues to probe the astounding complexities and interdependencies within living organisms. Even mainstream scientists increasingly doubt the ability of "the law of tooth and claw" to explain life on earth. Evolutionary theory is especially impoverished as we continue to learn the evasive mysteries that distinguish humans from all other life: self-awareness, imagination, conscience and ability to conceive of God.
Why doesn’t the scientific community abandon Darwin’s failed hypotheses? Simple: The Jewish-dominated media and educational establishment are determined that, like unconditional support of Israel, Holocaust mythology, hate laws, and “civil rights” favoritism, there will be no end to the relentless force-feeding of evolution. Belief in evolution is a prerequisite for Jewish supremacism’s new-world order.
Yet anti-Zionist leadership on the right remains oblivious to the fact that evolution is the largest, ugliest, most aggressive tentacle of the Jewish revolutionary octopus. Anti-Zionists are often evolutionists, claiming that Jews evolved in a way that makes them inherently degenerate, subversive, and corruptive. They make the most Luciferian, dehumanizing fable ever invented by pseudo-science into a pillar of their thinking!