Once again after yet another disingenuous campaign by the corporate media, the "Arab Spring" mobs filling Egypt's Tahrir Square have revealed their true agenda, calling for US corporate-funded International Crisis Group trustee Mohammed ElBaradei to be named by the military as the next "president" of Egypt. Increasing violence in Tahrir Square along with calls by the White House and the EU for a "a quick transfer of power to a civilian government in Egypt," is pressuring the Egyptian military to quickly find a suitable replacement to quell the mobs.
Wall Street and London, via their corporate-media have been building up ElBaradei for at least a year before the "Arab Spring" even began, portraying him as the great hope for Egypt. Foreign Affairs magazine, in March 2010, literally printed an article titled, "Is ElBaradei Egypt's Hero?"
The US International Crisis Group (ICG) trustee Mohamed ElBaradei has spent over a year prying his way into Egyptian politics, landing in Cairo not at the beginning of the recent unrest in January 2011, but all the way back in February 2010. He was met, literally at the airport in Cairo, by the US State Department trained and supported April 6 Youth Movement and Google executive Wael Ghonim. Over the next year they campaigned together for the November 2010 elections, built up the "National Front for Change," and prepared for the protests Wall Street and London had been designing since at least 2008. These protests would then be portrayed disingenuously by the complicitous corporate-media as "spontaneous," "indigenous," and "inspired by" the equally disingenuous, premeditated unrest that had just shook Tunisia.
A critical component of the propaganda campaign paving the way for ElBaradei to run Egypt by proxy for Wall Street has been an attempt by the corporate-media to portray him as "anti-West" and above all "anti-Israeli." Foreign Affairs magazine explained it perfectly back in March 2010 in their article "Is ElBaradei Egypt's Hero?":
As always, no real revolution of any kind will take place until people both understand the balance of power currently held in the world today and how to change it pragmatically rather than politically. Wall Street, a global tyranny of unprecedented proportions, will remain intact until we see them, not petty local tyrants or street mobs as the true enemy, and the systematic boycotting and replacing of their degenerate, global domineering system implemented in full as the solution.