In three weeks of my radio-TV tour to promote The Suicide of a Superpower no question has occurred more often than one about the chapter "The End of White America." Invariably, the question boils down to this:
Why should we care if white Americans become a minority? America, interviewers remind me, assimilated the immigrants of a century ago–Italians, Poles, Jews, Slavs–and we can do the same with peoples from the Third World.
First, the great American Melting Pot has been rejected by our elites as cultural genocide, in favor of a multiculturalism that is failing in Europe. Second, what we are attempting has no precedent in human history.
We are attempting to convert a republic, European and Christian in its origins and character, into an egalitarian democracy of all the races, religions, cultures and tribes of planet Earth.
We are turning America into a gargantuan replica of the U.N. General Assembly, a continental conclave of the most disparate and diverse peoples in all of history, who will have no common faith, no common moral code, no common language and no common culture.
Where the old immigrants were Europeans, today's are Third World people who have never been fully assimilated by any Western country. Where those arrived from Christian nations, many of today's come from a civilization that battled Christianity for 1,000 years.