Are you weary of attending an Israel-first church where, despite the latest atrocities and injustices of Israel, “God’s chosen people” are only held up for praise?
Are you satisfied with supporting a church where the great moral issues of our time – abortion, homosexuality, evolution, etc. (not to mention liberal Jewish antagonism to Christ) – are banned from discussion because they are “divisive?” Does it sit well with you that such intellectual strangulation gives evil a green light to infect your community and probably your children?
By blindly supporting Israel (Babylon the Great) (See, “Babylon the Great” is Israel), churches across America are actually helping fulfill Bible prophecy—and not in a good way! They are helping establish a one-world government that will be ruled in Jerusalem by Anti-Christ.
If you are a believer who feels spiritually and intellectually malnourished, unthinking attendance of your local Israel-first church is not the answer. Home churches are growing more popular, but many concerned lay people don’t feel the calling and inspiration or have the time to personally lead a group.