The topic of the Federal Reserve was the primary focus of today's Glenn Beck show on Fox News. There is no question that the Federal Reserve and central banks around the world have been setup to facilitate the creation of debt based money out of thin air to put nation states and their people into perpetual debt. This is why most nations are in debt because the system ensures that this is always the case. Simply put, the Federal Reserve is a ponzi scheme and this fact is becoming obvious to many. Many believe that it is good that Beck decided to talk about the Federal Reserve on his show, but this is actually quite the disturbing development. The reason for this is because Beck is a proven gatekeeper and viewers can only count on him providing part of the truth and never all of it. In the past Beck has ridiculed people who question the official story of the 9/11 attacks even though the official story is obvious bull shit. He has also claimed that FEMA camps don't exist despite the fact that he has thus far failed to debunk any legitimate argument made by those who have researched this topic. There is also a great deal of additional information we can point to that proves Beck is a gatekeeping priest class shill but it would literally take a book to describe every single point that comes to mind. In his so-called expose on the Federal Reserve, Beck interviewed John Birch Society and priest class shill G Edward Griffin as well as a stooge from the Fortune 500 funded Cato Institute. This show proved yet again that Beck is a bought and paid for propagandist.
Before we get further into Beck, let's take a quick look at G Edward Griffin. For starters, G Edward Griffin is the priest class approved expert gatekeeper on information pertaining to the Federal Reserve. In 1994, Griffin wrote a book called "The Creature From Jekyll Island" which goes over the origins of the Federal Reserve. The book has been criticized for borrowing much of its material from Eustace Mullins earlier work that was published in the 1950s entitled "Secrets of the Federal Reserve". It has also been criticized for not packing nearly as much punch as Mullins' original work which is a plausible explanation as to why Griffin's book has received far more attention and is now receiving mainstream press from people like Beck. Griffin has been a decades long member of the controlled opposition group the John Birch Society and even wrote a book praising the group's founder Robert Welch. The John Birch Society has historically been a gatekeeping organization on issues like the staged 9/11 attacks. They have even given credibility to the false terror war which has been a key enabler in the destruction of individual freedom domestically. Griffin's long time involvement with the group can only lead us to conclude that he is an agreement with many of the organization's views. Oddly enough, early members of the John Birch Society were directly linked to globalist run institutions like the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, the IRS and even the Rockefeller family providing more proof that the group was setup as a controlled opposition front. Despite this, it does not appear as if Griffin has a major problem with any of these easily verifiable facts.