Thursday, March 17, 2011

Coverup of the Devastating Impacts of Nuclear Radiation: Establishing an International Citizens Radiation Monitoring Network

If we could rely on the Japanese and American governments to inform us of any danger, we wouldn't have to be so vigilant.

But given the American government's cover up of the severity of the BP oil disaster, the health risk to New Yorkers after 9/11, and numerous other health issues, we will have to educate ourselves.

There are some very incomplete real-time monitoring networks such as this and this. But the number of monitors is very small and incomplete, and it is hard to know who runs the networks.

So we must harness the power of the Internet in order to educate ourselves.


Simple ... Everyone who has a geiger counter can post a live stream to the web like this guy:

Make sure you give your location (city, state and country) so people know where you are, the make and model of your geiger counter, and the units of radiation being counted (i.e. counts per minute, milli-roentgens per hour or micro-sieverts per hour).

When enough people do this, we will have a citizens radiation monitoring network, and we won't have to rely on the lack of information coming from governments.