Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pseudo-Intellectual Hit Piece Emblematic Of Crumbling Elitist Media

The New York Magazine’s Joe Hagan has done his level best to ingratiate himself with leftist media elites by championing Cass ‘ban free speech’ Sunstein as part of a smear piece on Alex Jones that recycles the same tired old clichés in a bid to make deluded intellectuals feel more comfortable about sticking their heads in the sand while a malevolent global elite that Hagan is intent on proving doesn’t exist masterminds America’s downfall.

Entitled, A Strange Man Is Following You, the article seeks to dismiss concerns about the Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve and the orchestrated economic collapse by characterizing Alex Jones as a paranoid crank who spouts paranoia for profit while inspiring mass shooters like Jared Loughner.

The whole tone of the profile and the fact that it would be a hit piece became fairly obvious as soon as the interview commenced.

According to Jones, Hagan spent the entire interview trying to get Alex to admit that he yearns and grovels for a show on Fox News. an important set up for Hagan’s final slap down when he quotes Fox News programming executive vice-president Bill Shine who states, “That’s not going to happen, so he should stick with trying to locate the black helicopters.”

In reality, Jones spent the whole discussion pointing out that Fox News is just the right-wing pillar of the crumbling corporate media, and that he had no interest in compromising his message merely to emulate the likes of Glenn Beck. But this answer didn’t jive with Hagan’s approach to the entire hit piece at the outset, which was structured around convincing the kind of pseudo-intellectuals who read New York Magazine that they should ignore Jones’ message because he represents little more than a ranting Glenn Beck wannabe.