Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The American Empire Created Bin Laden And Is Killing Itself

Is any American looking at what our own government does to us every decade? What exactly are we fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan? Answer: money, power and greed! None of those wars has anything to do with freedom or terror or rational thinking.

“Nothing is actually resolved, nothing concluded, and nothing to be celebrated in taking away life,” said journalist David Swanson in “War is a Crime.” “If we want something to celebrate here, we should celebrate the end of one of the pieces of war propaganda that has driven the past decade of brutality and death. But I’m not going to celebrate that until appropriate actions follow. Nothing makes for peace like ceasing to wage war. Now would be an ideal time to give that a try. Our senseless wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Libya must be ended. Keeping bin Laden alive and threatening, assisted in keeping the war machine churning its bloody way through cities and flesh for years. No wonder President Bush was not interested in tracking bin Laden down.”

At what point will Americans sicken of their perpetrating war on other countries, on millions of other people and the contamination of our world with bombs, poisons, anger and revenge? How can we call it good when we killed over 100,000 and up to 200,000 Iraqis? How about the 2.0 million we killed in Vietnam in 10 years. How about the 100,000 or so in Korea? What exactly was the point, purpose and reason?

How can the American people be so easily duped, led over a cliff and jingoistically convinced that they are the chosen ones to go about killing so many other people in self-righteous egoism?