In the midst of the mainstream media propaganda blitz, questions still abound regarding Osama bin Laden and his alleged death. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans are quite willing to believe virtually anything they are told about bin Laden, even if it contradicts what they were told previously. But, while many are busy dancing in the streets at the news of his “death,” others hopefully have some semblance of a long-term (and even short-term) memory.
Actually, Barack Obama’s announcement that Osama bin Laden is dead should not have come as a surprise to anyone equipped with the faculties of basic memory. After all, it was only (approximately) the ninth time bin Laden has been declared dead by high-ranking government officials in the ten years since the 9/11 attacks. Obama was just adding his name to the list.
It should be noted however, that credible reports have been produced suggesting bin Laden has been dead for some time. Indeed, even as far back as shortly after 9/11.
Of the reports, the most reliable information points to the belief that bin Laden has actually been dead since late 2001, having died of what amounts to natural causes as a result of generally bad health and a history of kidney problems. Bin Laden’s deteriorating health, was evident on his many videos. They revealed, at one time, a very thin and weak bin Laden and others showed a man who apparently could not lift his left arm while still other videos showed him appearing bloated and puffy. All of these various appearance indicated the various health issues that bin Laden suffered from.