Thursday, March 3, 2011

9/11, “HOW” or “WHO”

This is what “step two” should have been;

■A cursory engineering study showing the placement necessary to achieve the observable results on all three buildings. This includes the controlled demolition that Larry Silverstein told TV audiences that he ordered for Building 7, demolition impossible under any imaginable conventional means.
■The study should show how the needed surfaces were accessed, behind dry wall, through floors, perhaps crawling down heating ducts, not just the “endoskeleton” around the elevators but the massive “exoskeleton” the WTC was noted for. Using the “Cole” video as a reference, placement for the thermite “charges” or whatever we call them, can be expressed through computer modeling.
■Such an endeavor, placing hundreds, perhaps thousands of charges in and around structural steel, most of which has not been exposed since initial construction, had to be witnessed by building staff, numbering in hundreds or by building tenants, over 44,000 people. Each of the areas accessed was under control or observation, office workers, maintenance, video, security guards. List the locations, list the potential evidence, video, witnesses, who was there.
■“I ain’t no architect” but we know how much steel was used in the initial construction. We also know how much was removed from the scene. Moreover, we have endless photos, endless witnesses to the damage, the condition of the massive steel beams. Do the model, the computer model, account for the missing steel, the melting and twisting, all three buildings, not just two.
■Then show how many man hours, what kind of access and what would be needed to perform the tasks, reach every critical area, place the “charges” needed to duplicate what was witnessed on 9/11.
■Then figure out how all of it was done with no witnesses, not a secretary or an electrician or a heating contractor noticing.
With trillions of dollars involved, if it could be done, it certainly was. In fact, there is absolutely NOTHING I am willing to overlook other than hijacked planes made out of aluminum I can easily punch through with my slightly discolored Craftsman screwdriver.

Then, finally, can we start making arrests and let juries decide “who?”